

2015-2020 ARADO - ARchaeogenetics of Animal Domestication and improvement

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

Reference: IF/00866/2014

P.I.: Catarina Ginja. CIBIO/InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Vairão, Portugal

2014-2018 Arctic Ark – Human-animal adaptations to the Arctic environment: natural and folk selection practices

Funding: Academy of Finland

P.I.: Juha Kantanen. University of Eastern Finland and Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

2015-2017 CoChange – Coastal societies in a changing world: A diachronic and comparative approach to the Prehistory of SW Europe from the late Palaeolithic to the Neolithic

Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Gobierno de España. Reference: HAR2014-51830-P

P.I.: Pablo Arias. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain